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If you grew up in the 1940’s, 50’s or 60’s there is a very good chance you played or knew about the game of marbles. There was rarely a neighborhood or schoolyard across America where you could not find a group of kids in a circle “shooting for keeps.”
Attesting to its popularity, there are more than 700 different words and/or phrases originating from the games still in use today.
A refreshing way to enjoy our area’s coastal breezes, especially as the weather warms from spring to summer, is from the comfort of a hammock. Wrapped up in our cozy cocoon, we may delight in reading a book, taking a nap or simply relaxing while light winds gently sway us back and forth.
This season, be sure to set aside some time to climb into a
hammock, get comfortable and rest, enjoying the simplicity of
being in the swing of things!

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